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學測衝刺 | 2024年度世界重大新聞

林錦英文 | 免費新聞回顧課程

🎯 學測最後衝刺,每天一則新聞閱讀!

在學測備戰的最後階段,閱讀新聞不僅能增強英文實力,還能拓展時事知識,提升考試敏銳度。林錦英文特別推出 「每日新聞回顧」免費課程,讓你在準備學測的同時,掌握最新時事動態! **2024-12-12 正式推出

免費上課內容 | 新聞閱讀解析

📚 每日一則新聞文章:透過時事文章,學習實用單字、句型與語法。

📖 新聞解析與翻譯:從文章中提煉重要資訊,解析句子結構,培養高效閱讀與翻譯能力。

✏️ 考試技巧訓練:結合新聞內容,模擬學測閱讀測驗題型,讓考場應對更輕鬆!


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🌟 衝刺階段,每一天都很關鍵! 林錦國王英文團隊與你並肩作戰,透過免費新聞課程,助你學測戰場大放異彩! 📲 訂閱 YouTube 頻道,免費上課等你來! 🌍 政治與國際衝突

Politics & International Conflicts

  1. 俄烏戰爭持續Ongoing Russia-Ukraine War俄羅斯與烏克蘭戰爭升級,造成大規模傷亡,全球關注和平。The conflict between Russia and Ukraine escalated, causing heavy casualties and raising global calls for peace.

  2. 以巴衝突加劇Intensified Israel-Palestine Conflict以色列與哈瑪斯的戰鬥升溫,平民傷亡嚴重,引發譴責。Fighting between Israel and Hamas intensified in Gaza, causing significant civilian casualties and international condemnation.

  3. 美國總統大選US Presidential Election唐納·川普擊敗卡瑪拉·哈里斯,再次當選總統。Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris to win re-election as US President.

  4. 女性領導崛起Rise of Female Leaders多國首次選出女性元首,推動性別平等。Several nations elected their first female heads of state, advancing gender equality.

⛑️ 自然災害與氣候變遷

Natural Disasters & Climate Change

  1. 全球洪災頻發Frequent Global Floods巴西、肯亞等地洪災嚴重,基礎設施損毀。Severe floods struck Brazil, Kenya, and other regions, devastating infrastructure.

  2. 熱浪襲擊歐亞地區Heatwaves in Europe and Asia歷史性高溫加劇水危機,經濟受創。Record-breaking heatwaves exacerbated water crises and disrupted economies.

  3. 南極冰川加速融化Antarctic Glaciers Melting Faster南極冰川融化速度超出預期,引發擔憂。Antarctic glaciers melted faster than expected, raising concerns about rising sea levels.

🚀 科技與創新

Technology & Innovation

  1. AI 技術突破AI Breakthroughs人工智慧改變醫療、教育和產業結構。AI transformed healthcare, education, and industrial structures globally.

  2. ChatGPT-5 上市Launch of ChatGPT-5OpenAI 推出的新一代語言模型震撼業界。OpenAI released ChatGPT-5, stunning the tech world with its advanced capabilities.

  3. 人工子宮技術問世Artificial Womb Technology革命性進展解決不孕問題,帶來希望。Revolutionary progress in artificial womb technology offered new hope for infertility treatments.

🌌 太空探索

Space Exploration

  1. 印度月球計畫成功India's Lunar Mission Success印度探測器成功登月,達成重要里程碑。India successfully landed a lunar probe, marking a significant milestone in space exploration.

  2. 太空旅遊新時代New Era of Space Tourism商業太空旅遊普及,普通人也能探索宇宙。Commercial space tourism became more accessible, allowing civilians to experience space travel.

📈 經濟與市場

Economy & Markets

  1. 新能源汽車革命Revolution in Electric Vehicles特斯拉等品牌推出創新電動車,推動綠色交通。Tesla and other brands introduced innovative EVs, advancing global green transportation.

  2. 加密貨幣監管新規New Cryptocurrency Regulations多國加強對加密貨幣的監管,引發市場波動。Nations tightened cryptocurrency regulations, causing market fluctuations.

👫 社會與人口

Society & Population

  1. 全球移民潮Global Migration Surges戰爭與氣候變遷推動移民潮,帶來挑戰。Wars and climate change fueled migration, posing global challenges.

  2. 人口老齡化危機Aging Population Crisis老齡化問題日益嚴重,各國推動養老改革。The aging population crisis intensified, prompting pension and healthcare reforms.

🌱 可持續發展

Sustainable Development

  1. 綠建築熱潮Boom in Green Architecture多國推動綠建築政策,促進環保發展。Nations promoted green building policies, driving environmental sustainability.

  2. 海洋污染治理行動Marine Pollution Mitigation國際合作減少塑膠污染,保護海洋生態。International efforts reduced plastic waste and protected marine ecosystems.

🏅 體育與文化

Sports & Culture

  1. 巴黎奧運成功舉辦Paris Olympics a Success運動員展現體育精神,全球觀眾聚焦巴黎。Athletes showcased sportsmanship as global attention turned to Paris.

  2. 文學與影視熱潮Cultural Boom in Literature & Film全球變遷主題作品熱賣,文化產業多元化發展。Works themed around global changes became bestsellers, enriching the cultural industry. 📲 訂閱 YouTube 頻道,免費上課等你來!👉 點擊這裡訂閱

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🏆 王建民:台灣棒球傳奇 🏟️ 從紐約洋基的王牌投手到面對傷病與低潮,王建民的故事充滿了韌性、榮耀與逆境重生的力量。🌟 了解這位低調卻堅毅的球員如何成為「台灣之光」,重新定義台灣棒球,並啟發一代人追逐夢想。他的故事是愛拼才會贏的最佳詮釋! 📖 點擊連結,細讀他的傳奇



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