林錦說文解字,超夯 carry 動詞片語 有多少? 1. carry away 忘懷 【例句】He was carried away by the excitement. 【中譯】他樂昏頭了。 2. carry on 繼續 (=continue, keep (on) ~ ing) 【例句】Teenagers are another group that carry on long conversations over the telephone. 【中譯】十幾歲年輕人是另一群藉電話進行長聊的人。 3. carry out 實現 (=fulfill, put ~ into practice) 【例句】He carried out the plan without difficulty. 【中譯】他毫無困難地完成這個計劃。 4. carry through 使⋯渡過難關 【例句】His endurance carried him through. 【中譯】他的耐力終於使他渡過難關。 5. carry away 搬走;深為⋯所迷 【例句】The bridge was carried away. 【中譯】那座橋被沖走了。 【例句】He was carried away by the music. 【中譯】音樂使他進入忘我的境界。 6.carry on… 繼續進行 【例句】They carried on the discussion. 【中譯】他們繼續討論下去。 7. carry out… 實行… 【例句】He carried out his promise. 【中譯】他實踐了諾言。 8. carry through… 完成 幫助渡過難關 【例句】He carried through the work. 【中譯】他完成了那件工作。 【例句】My perseverance carried me through. 【中譯】堅忍使我度過了難關。
* 歡迎轉載分享,分享請註明來源「林錦 名師大會堂」*