林錦說文解字,超夯 give 動詞片語 有多少?
1. give birth to + N (1) 產生 (2) 引起 (=give rise to, lead to) 【例句】One mistake gave birth to another mistake. 【中譯】一個錯誤常引起另一個錯誤。 2. give in (1) 投降 (=surrender, give way to, yield to) (2) 提出 (=hand in) 【例句】They were surrounded by enemy troops, but they refused to give in. 【中譯】他們被敵人軍隊所包圍,但他們拒絕投降。 【比較】give in to ~ 屈服~
3. give up (1) 放棄 (=abandon) (2) 停止 (=stop ~ ing) 【例句】You must give up smoking for the health. 【中譯】為健康的理由,你必須戒煙。
4. give way to + N 讓步,屈服 (=give in to, yield to) 【例句】Don't give way to temptation. 【中譯】不要因誘惑而屈服。
* 歡迎轉載分享,分享請註明來源「林錦 名師大會堂」*