林錦說文解字,超夯 see 動詞片語 有多少?
1. see (to it) that 注意
【例句】See to it that she doesn't go near the cliff. 【中譯】別讓她靠近那懸崖。 2. see to + N 留心
【例句】See to my car.
【比較】See to the child.(照顧這小孩)
3. seek for 追求,找尋 (=look for)
【例句】He is always seeking for wealth.
【比較】be-V much sought after(對人或物的大量需要。)
例:Oxford graduates are much sought after.
* 歡迎轉載分享,分享請註明來源「林錦 名師大會堂」*