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林錦說文解字,超夯 break 動詞片語 有多少?
1. break down
有害健康 (=injure one's health)
【例句】A thief broke into the house.
3. break even
【例句】We should break even as possible as we can.
4. break off
【例句】They have broken off the negotiations.
【例句】Last night a fire broke out in Mr. Smith's barn.
6. break up
【例句】The meeting broke up at six.
7. break ~ of ...
【例句】I'll break him of drinking.
【比較】rob ~ of ...(與上句型同型)
* 歡迎轉載分享,分享請註明來源「林錦 名師大會堂」*
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